Typical real estate agents rely on word of mouth and relationships.
They meet people at barbecues, schools, sporting events—wherever they happen to be.
They also do door knocking, cold calls, and marketing, but a lot of business comes via referrals and relationships.
Consulting doesn’t need to be much different.
Yes, you want to do marketing. What better way to prove you have skills than by marketing yourself effectively?
But you also want to simply meet people. As many as you can. And ideally, within the niche you’re focused on.
Some may become clients, some may become partners, and some people just may refer you. Some don’t do any of those things, and that’s okay too.
There’s no special magic to it, either. It comes down to making a connection with people, letting them know what you do, and let the relationship happen naturally after that.
Half the battle is getting people to know you exist. Don’t over-complicate it.
Start conversations, meet people, and yes, keep marketing.