If you need clients and you’re not sure what to do about it, start by writing something. Put it on your blog. Send it to your email list.
You do have an email list, don’t you? If not, start there.
There’s almost no form of communication more powerful than a letter to a fully-opted-in subscriber. It’s direct, personal, and keeps you top of mind.
Make email the center of your marketing and keep chipping away at it. Create a daily or weekly habit. Or mix it up if you want to. Remix your content in other places, too.
As a consultant, the format is yours to create. You get to decide what style and structure you want to use. Curated or created, it doesn’t matter. Just keep chipping away.
But the worst thing you can do is nothing. Posting on LinkedIn will only get so far. Doubling down on Twitter will only help if you’re really good at it already. Outreach is only so effective for a marketer seeking to maintain credibility.
Make your email list a priority this year and keep at it for the rest of your career. Aim for base hits, not home runs. Especially at first.
Nothing fancy. Just a little focus and some faith that email can work for you. The rest of your marketing system can be layered in on top.
(It helps, by the way, if you serve a specific audience or focus on a specific topic).
P.S. If you haven’t signed up for the Google Analytics 4 training later this month, be sure to register so you have access to the live workshop or recording. A few early bird coupons left to save $10 (members get access for free): https://lu.ma/ga4