Do you ever stop to wonder what it is we are really selling as consultants?
Are we selling a website, strategy, or brand identity? Yes… and no. Those are features of our work.
But people don’t really buy features.
Maybe we are selling new customer growth? Better retention? Ease of use? Those are all great benefits of our work.
Let’s dig a little deeper.
What is the emotion behind those benefits? What feeling are we really creating with our work?
People buy based on how they feel about the purchase. It aligns with logic, yes. But it’s driven by emotion. So it makes sense to explore that emotion people are really seeking inside of what we sell.
Most consultants are selling confidence. Not in a kumbaya motivational way. But in a very real and pragmatically beneficial way.
So how do you create confidence in your clients through your marketing, sales, and delivery? Have you ever considered it from this angle before?
Get this right and it will be a lot easier to sell and deliver the true benefits of your work.
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