It’s risky to hire a consultant.
Sure, you have skills. But prospects wonder if those skills will move the needle in their business.
That’s why removing risk from your engagements is so important. And you can do it in several ways.
Your credibility signals reduce some degree of risk. Your guarantees reduce risk even more.
But there’s a third important way to reduce risk: samples.
Your content marketing and thought leadership are like samples at the grocery store. People can get a taste of your expertise before they buy it.
And samples sell products.
Without a strong content strategy, people have to rely on your promise of expertise and whatever risk-reducing signals you can put out there.
Conversely, your content proves you have expertise in the areas your prospects care about. Either the content is useful or it’s not.
That’s why good marketing without expertise isn’t really possible for consultants.
If you want to sell more, prove your expertise with content.