Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things you could be doing but aren’t?
It might look like procrastination. Or delay. Or inaction. Or even “busywork”.
You’ll notice it in your clients, too. They’ll promise massive action one day but nothing gets done by the next time you talk.
Or, a whole bunch of things will get done, but nothing from the top of the list you agreed was important.
Why is that? What’s really happening?
Chances are, you’re trying to do too many things at once.
We all have a different threshold for what “too much” is. The less comfortable we are in a particular area, the smaller that threshold will be.
Which means we need to move slower.
When you notice this behaviour—in your or your clients—bring the focus back to a single most important goal.
Then, pick the single most important next task that will help accomplish that goal. See that task through to completion, then repeat the process.
It doesn’t have to be a perfect goal or a perfect task. It just has to be a good one for right now.
Accomplishing a single important thing now is better than failing at several important things later.
Doing less is sometimes doing more.