If you think of content marketing in baseball terms, think of it this way.
Sometimes, you will hit a home run. You’ll create something people love, they will share it, and you’ll accrue backlinks, signups, and traffic for years to come.
But more often than not, your content will be a base hit, double, or—if you’re lucky—a triple.
In baseball, you don’t try to hit a home run at every bat, nor do you need one to succeed.
With content marketing, it’s a completely fair strategy to stay top-of-mind through consistently publishing valuable content over time—even if it means each piece of content is not a home run.
It’s consistency that builds trust and familiarity with your audience.
That’s the goal, isn’t it?
Sometimes, you’ll hit it out of the park. That’s great when it happens. You should aim for that, at least sometimes.
But the main thing is you keep getting up to bat.
Consistency over time is hard to beat.