If you’re doing content marketing, you should be focused on communicating to your prospective, current, and former clients as much as possible.
Not always at the same time, of course, but definitely creating for each group consistently.
On the one hand, you need to write content that addresses the needs of your prospective clients. For example, writing about their challenges and how to overcome those with your services.
This builds trust and drives leads.
On the other hand, you also need to continue to develop your relationships with your existing clients in order to keep generating repeat business and referrals. But they don’t always want to hear about how your company offers solutions. They already know.
So how does one create content on a regular basis that serves all parties?
The answer is to focus on the common challenges and aspirations that your prospects and clients face, then tie in how your company aids in helping them overcome that challenge or achieve their goals.
With this strategy, it’s not all about you, your business, or your solutions. It’s mostly about the client or prospect — their challenges and aspirations, and your insight into those topics from various perspectives.
I call it the Tie-In Strategy.
It’s not a strategy that you will use in every piece of content you create, but the more content you do create, the more this strategy will help to keep your content interesting: both to you and your readers.
To learn more about the Tie-In Strategy, read the following article from my agency’s blog.
Link: How to Attract and Keep Clients Using The “Tie-In” Content Marketing Strategy