I saw an ad today on YouTube for solar panels. I normally skip ads, but this one sucked me in.
The video had a guy talking about the problems with energy bills and how much money I could save with solar.
His pitch was interesting enough to have me listening to the end. I was moderately intrigued. I may even buy solar panels some day in the future.
But that’s the key word here: future.
I am nowhere near ready to buy (or even investigate) solar panels right now. And it’s the same with most people with whom your marketing lands on.
Every time you reach someone, they’re either interested in buying something or they’re not.
If you’re lucky, some number of people will buy immediately. But most people (98% or more) won’t be ready to buy on first encounter with your offer.
However, a much higher number may one day be interested in buying from you. And that’s why it’s so important to keep showing up.
Marketing is not about getting a sale today.
Some percent of your efforts should be focused there, but most of your activities will land on people unwilling to buy now (or ever).
Your job is to keep showing up, adding value in a way that educates and leaves a positive impression, and then be around long enough so when they’re ready to buy, they choose you.
If you do this with a longterm commitment and an offer people actually want, you can’t help but succeed.