I woke up today thinking about scarcity and economics.
Weird, but true.
I heard a podcast host mention recently that scarcity is a central aspect of economics. Supply and demand are not limitless, after all.
Obvious, I know. But for some reason, it stuck with me this time.
It led me to think about positioning.
If buyers can readily find 10 people who look and sound similar to you, there’s a good chance you’re not winning the deal.
You want people to find you and go, “Wow, your business is weirdly designed exactly for my business“.
And then they’re comparing you against the nine other more general options they can find.
That’s the goal. To be the better fit for your prospects. Strategic positioning helps you do that.
You may not start there, but if you can end up there, you’re in a good place.
The goal isn’t to be better than the competition, the goal is to be more rarely qualified to help your target market than most of the easily-found alternatives.
How you decide that rare positioning is the hard part. All strategy requires risk and trade-offs.
But one thing is for sure, being scarcely qualified sure does help.