One thing I learned about selling consulting services is that people don’t buy when you want them to.
They buy when they’re ready.
The vast majority of people who encounter you won’t need your services in that moment. And even if they do, it takes a long time to build trust.
Eventually, though, something happens in their business. You’ll come to mind first.
You’ve been consistently showing up on their radar. They know what you do. They have built some familiarity with you.
So they reach out. Maybe it’s a month later. Maybe it’s several years.
The point is, your work won’t pay off in some cases for a long time. The best thing you can do is keep showing up, adding value, and let the results compound over time.
Sure, you can do what you need to do to get short-term results. But don’t depend on them.
You’ll reap what you sow if you can wait for the harvest to mature.
Keep sowing and good things will happen.