I had a great chat today with members of the group coaching program about the inner game of what we do.
I call this topic “Mindset” but you could call it something different.
We talked about things like managing stress, context switching, allowing tension in an engagement, confidence, healthy habits, mental bandwidth, measuring progress, goal setting, free time, prioritization, habits, lifestyle planning, and a wide range of other unexpected topics.
If you think the inner game is too fluffy or not practical for discussion, I could see why you might think that at first glance.
I used to think ‘mindset’ was some kind of woo woo self-help term. But in reality, what goes on between your ears underpins everything else.
Without a solid inner game, nothing else works. You can draw a straight line from your mindset to your income.
So, I’m curious to explore this topic further. What tools or practices do you use to keep your mind in the right place?
Hit reply and let me know.