Choosing a niche is a personal process. It becomes part of our identity.
We become “the (insert niche/positioning] guy or gal”. And nobody wants to be “the X guy or gal” if it has no affiliation with their personal identity.
You can do it for a while, but it may become difficult to sustain longterm unless you can find some greater meaning in the work.
If you can pick a niche that aligns with your existing identity, you’ll be more likely to stick with it long enough to see the benefits that only come with commitment over time.
The association can be general, such as being someone who likes community, so they serve the coworking industry (this was me).
Or someone who wanted to be a teacher, so they work with online educators. Or someone who enjoys healthy living, so they serve the wellness industry.
With a little introspection, you’ll know if there’s a general association between the niche you choose and your identity.
If you can draw a line between the niche you choose and parts of your identity, it’s a good sign.