When you create something new, you rarely know if it will work.
The best thing you can do is look for early signs of life and build around them.
I launched Mindshare a few months ago. It’s a private mentorship podcast with resources and a community for marketing consultants.
I don’t know if it will work yet. But I’m noticing early signs of life.
There are 17 current members so far. Some I’ve never met before. Some I’ve met online. A few I know in person.
I sold most of the memberships via Twitter—the only place I talk about it aside from my personal blog. One person even came from a one-day trial run of Twitter ads.
There’s also a half dozen or more people who join the monthly coffee meetups on Zoom that we host. A decently high ratio given the number of people in the group.
I don’t know if the idea has legs yet, but I’m seeing signs of life and I’m personally enjoying it a lot.
There is still tons of work to do and it’s early days yet. For now, I’ll keep watching for signs of life and giving it the attention it needs to grow.
Are you starting something new? Look for the smallest signs of life and build around those.
It could be anything, from increased conversations to new introductions, your first paying client, or some new subscribers to your list.
All that matters is you build around the signs of life and keep doing that until you’ve reached your goals.
H/T to Mark Butler who shared this idea before on a podcast.