One thing I learned from a book called Breakthrough Advertising is that you can’t really create demand. All you can do is harness existing demand.
And at first glance, you might feel like that doesn’t make sense. We create demand for our client’s business and our own every day, right?
True. But if you dig a bit deeper, what we’re actually doing is connecting our offers with the buyer’s existing demand for something specific.
In other words, buyers see our products and services as the path to a thing they already want. Maybe it’s more free time, or status, or wealth, or any number of things, big and small.
Whatever it is, your job is to know what people already want and connect the dots about how your products and services will help them get there.
You can create demand for your offers instead of someone else’s. That’s why differentiation is so important.
But the reason they’re buying in the first place already exists. So, don’t try to create demand. It won’t work.
The sooner you realize this, the easier your job will be as a marketer.